Capital First, Premium Mega Shopper
Capital First, Mega Saver, E Credit Solutions consumer fraud ripoff Same Scam New Name!

Business & Finance

I was contacted by phone on June 2 by CapitalFirst and offered a Mastercard with a 0% fixed rate for a fee. I was told that my membership package would be sent after paying them an inital 25 bucks. Upon receiving the package, I quickly realized that it was not what they had said it would be at all. I contacted them and cancelled immediately on 6/22. At this time no money had been withdrawn from my account except the inital 25 bucks that I had authorized. On 6/27 I received a long distance calling card in the mail from Super Mega Saver. The document stated that I had given verbal permission to withdrawl $54.90 a month from my account and that my authorization was given on June 2. I immediately called the automated account info line for my bank account and so far they have withdrawn 200.00. They are fradulant, and nothing more than common crooks. The address on the Mega Saver card is 9590 NW 25th street, Miami Fl. 33172. Sound familar? It should. Just read any of the other posts on here about credit card fraud in Flordia. I feel like an ass. Hope this helps someone. DanReading, Pennsylvania

Company: Capital First, Premium Mega Shopper
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Miami
Address: 18495 South Dixie Highway
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