Premier Bankcard
Premier Bankcard Dishonest, harrassing

Business & Finance

In October I came up short some cash. I did not pay the bill on the 19th of that month. I decided that I would pay the late fee and just pay on the 25th (my next pay day).

On the 25th the collections dept started to call. Naturally, they do not show up in the caller id - so at first I did not answer the phone. A week later, after I realized that they were calling 4 times a day, I decided to do a little checking.

I have some contacts at the phone company so they traced the calls. All total the collections department called me 30 times between Oct 25/Nov 16.

One of those times, I answered the phone. I promptly asked why did they need to call so many times on a bill that is not even 30 days late? She tried to lie and say that this was the first time they called. When I called her on it (explaining that I work for the phone company and had the calls traced) she became very irate.

I explained that I worked at night so I would need to call back at a more convenient time. First she said that I owed the balance (307.00). Told her didn't have it, then she asked if I could do 100 (no again). Finally she stated that I would need to pay 50.00. Told her that I worked at night, did not have access to my checkbook and would call her back later. Her response: "You shouldn't have answered the phone" My response: Hung up

I then went to the website - the website reported that I owed 47 dollars and some change. I paid part of it online 25.00. Next day I checked and only owed 15.00 which I paid on the 10th of November.

This is what I started to asked myself. 25 15 equals 40. Why would the collections department try to force me to pay 50 then they would have charged me an additional 12 dollars for taking a payment over the phone. Why didn't the information from the website match the information the collections agent stated.

I have since cut up the card - I can't do business with a company that blatantly lies and harrasses you over a low balance credit card. If you are trying to rebuild credit try another company - one that will at least raise your credit limit periodically - Premier does not.

richmond, Virginia

Company: Premier Bankcard
Country: USA
State: South Dakota
City: Sioux Falls
Address: 900 W. Delaware
Phone: 6053573995
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