4X Made Easy, Global Tec Solutions
Is a MAJOR scam that preys on innocent trusting victims Ripoff

Business & Finance

If you are thinking about getting into foreign currency trading through the 4x Made Easy program, I am here to warn you to stay clear from that company and keep your money.

I was one of the thousands who got excited as I watched their infomercial on tv and then went to their free seminar. At the seminar, they made it sound so easy to make thousands of dollars a week with their software. They said all you had to do was simply follow the red and green arrows and look for the FAST signs. The instructor then gave a quick demonstration on how to do that and what to look for to make a successful trade. He made it look so easy that anyone with only half a brain could do it.

So I plopped down the cash (around $3,000) for their software and was so excited to take it home and get started practicing. I should have known something was funny when I was purchasing the software I asked the salesperon, "Now before I give you my card, there is a full 100% money back guarantee on this if I don't like it, right?"

He answers me, "Uh... Sure there is, but I guarantee you that AFTER you attend our free one day training class about 9 days later, you will NOT want a refund!"

Little did I know or little did they explain to me while I was there that if you take the free training class, you CANNOT get your money back! The morning of the free training class is your last opportunity to get a refund. Yes, I know that makes no sense at all, but if the company is all about scamming people, then it makes perfect sense.

So I take the software home, install it and hook up the feed (which is also an additional $99 a month). I am now ready to do my practice trades with the practice accounts and I am so excited. So I begin looking for all the FAST signs and green arrows. It took me awhile but soon I found the PERFECT opportunities. The green arrows were lined up and all the FAST signals were in PERFECT position just like the instructor showed us at the seminar. So I entered my trade.

To my horror, I began watching in real time, my money slipping further and further into the red. I was losing money faster than blood gushing from a severed artery. I let it continue on for about another 30 mins, then I just exited the trade. I had lost a few hundred dollars on that first trade. I didn't understand why it was that I did EVERYTHING correctly just as the instructor showed me but I lost money QUICKLY.

So I thought I would try again. I searched and searched until I came across another PERFECT trade. I entered the trade and the same thing happened again. So I did one more trade and it happened again!!! Since this was only play money I was dealing with, I decided to keep trying. I did 2 more trades. The first one lost money like the other 2. The next one, I actually made $40! Wow. Out of the 4 practice trades I did, I think my net total was a loss of somewhere over a thousand dollars.

It was right then and there that I KNEW that I could not do this. I KNEW that something was not right. If trading the forex market was made easy with this software as I was lead to believe, then I should not be having this much trouble making money with it because I did everything the instructor taught us for a perfect trade.

So my next step was to go on the internet and try to do some researching on this company and on people who bought and used this software. It didn't take long to find hundreds of people on the internet reporting how they had been ripped off and couldn't get their money back because of the company's retarded refund policy. That is how I learned the details of the refund policy... FROM THE INTERNET!!! I was furious!!! Now I was completely 100% sure this was a major scam.

So the very next day, I called the company and requested a complete refund. I was not about to wait for the free training
so they could get the last laugh on me. Even though I was very much within the qualifying period to recieve a refund, it was a BIG hassle! That was another sign of a scam. When I told the nice girl I wanted a refund, she said, "Okay, just one moment." About a minute later, this very aggressive guy gets on the phone and asks me why I want a refund. I told him it was because I did everything I was taught in the free seminar but yet I was unable to make a profit with the software.

He says, "Well of course you weren't able to. It's because you only had it one day and you don't know what you are doing yet! You need to take our one day FREE training class and then you will know how to use the software correctly and make money!!!"

I told him I didn't want to do that because if I take the class and still didn't like it, I couldn't get my money back. He assured me that I would like the class and that I should also not stop there. He told me there was more training and resources from their company that I could take advantage of to help me learn how to use their software and make money.

I asked him, "Why do I need to take all this extra training? I thought this was supposed to be easy? That's what your guy at the seminar lead us all to believe? It doesn't sound to me like there is ANYTHING easy about this at all. I just want my money back please."

He kept on and kept on and kept on trying to persuade me to keep the software and just go to the free training. I finally had to get irate with him and say, "NO! I told you i don't want that because i can clearly see now that this is all a big scam and your refund policy is the biggest proof of all!!!"

then he got angry at me and said, "fine!!! We will give you a refund then. Goodbye!!!"

I stopped him before he got off the phone and said, "Wait! WHEN can I expect my refund?"

He says, "You can expect it in about 10 to 15 days."

I said, "Okay, well... What do I do with this software?"

Now listen to this. He says, "I don't care WHAT you do with that software. Throw it in the trash for all I care."

Throw it in the trash??? I couldn't believe he said that. It was at that point that I was one thousand percent sure this was one of the biggest scams in history. Folks, this software is not worth $3,000. The software is GARBAGE. It is just a gimmick to seperate you from your hard earned money and then keep you on a quest for more expensive training from their company so THEY can keep making money, NOT YOU.

Well, believe me, I called the company again the next day because at this point, I did not trust them at all. Everyday I would ask the representative if a refund was in process for me and everyday, they would say yes. I just kept holding my breath because it is a terrible feeling when the realization hits you that an unethical scamming company is holding $3,000 of your money. It is sickening. Since there is no trust anymore, you don't know if they will even refund your money or if you will end up in court with them.

About 10 days later, I did actually recieve my refund in full. THANK YOU GOD!!!

I was one of the lucky ones. I got wise to this company and got my money back quickly before they could scam me, but as I browse the internet, my heart just goes out to all the hundreds of poor souls who weren't as lucky as me. All the ones who were not clear on the refund policy. All the ones who bought the software and waited the 10 days to take the free training class to later discover the software IS NOT EASY to use and it was too late for any chance of a refund.

Wow. What a hard pill that would be to swallow.

Since I am one of the lucky ones, I told myself that I would take the time out to share my story on the internet so that ANYONE out there even remotely considering this product would be advised by me to run like hell in the opposite direction.

If foreign currency trading was as easy as this company makes it out to be during their free seminars, then EVERYONE would be doing it and EVERYONE would be rich.

That just ain't the case. On average, 90% of all new investors in the forex market go bankrupt in their first year. The forex trading market is EXTREMELY volatile and risky.

Now in hindsight, I can see clearly all the signs of a major scam. I am so dissappointed in myself for allowing myself to be caught up in the hype. I am usually more aware of ths kind of thing and can spot a scam much quicker. This is my last warning to you all. STAY AWAY and keep your hard earned money.

Company: 4X Made Easy, Global Tec Solutions
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Addison
Address: 15601 N. Dallas Pkwy. #200
Phone: 8887205200
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Ripoff - dishonest, refuse to honor return policy

4X Made Easy - 4x MADE EZ - GlobalTec Solutions
Globaltech Substandard Highly Hyped Software that sales reps were selling to other people for $2300 while I got taken for over $3200 but not worth any $ money to an unexperienced trader Ripoff

Globaltech - 4x Made Ez
4x Made Ez - Globaltech Substandard Highly Hyped Software that sales reps were seeling to other people for $2300 while I got taken for over $3200 but not worth any $ money to an unexperienced trader Ripoff

4x Made Easy
Global Tec Solutions ripoff

4X Made Easy
Ripoff Promises of "easy" only apply to how they get your money!

PremiereTrade Forex LLC
PremiereTrade Forex Do NOT buy Premieretrade AI, company does not honor valid refunds

4X Made Easy, Global Tec Solutions
Rips off, scams unsavvy customers who can ill afford the costs of their programs then has the balls to change requirements for success Ripoff

4X Made Easy - GlobalTec Solutions
Just another infomercial ripoff scheme, promise too good to be true Orlando Florida

4X Made Easy // Globaltec // Ripoff // Junk Software
Junk Software // Refuse to Refund Money // Orlando FL

4X Made Easy
Ripoff business The FOREX business took over $3,000 from me promising great financial rewards The promise is false