Ocwen Loan Servicing

Business & Finance

As first-time home owners we didn't know that we would be dancing with the devil, and dealing with Ocwen Loan Servicing is just that.

They showed their ugly face with the first payment (which they lost). We went to our attorney and she called them to inquire what was going on with our payment, then Ocwen mailed it back to us and said that I had sent it to the wrong address. I guess they have a different address for different types of payments. This of course, works to their advantage so they can appear to be giving a legitimate excuse for missed payments. We had mailed it express mail to the address that we were given. We had initally mortgaged our home with American Home Mortgage but they sold it to Ocwen before the first payment was even due.

It has been a night mare ever since.

My husband was deployed to Iraq and he was injured, we got behind on payments and I called Ocwen to inquire about a payment plan that would help us get caught up. They offered a "forbearance" which they e-mailed to us. What a joke! If we were to sign this agreement it would give Ocwen permission to increase payments at their discretion, add interest and additioanl fees and it also states that at any time they can initate forclosure. It goes on to say that if we are late with a payment then that gives them the right to put our home into forclosure and that if they are late we are still wrong. DO NOT sign any forbearance agreement with these people, it is deceptive.

Our attorney is fustrated with Ocwen as much as we are. Several options was discussed with them to help us and they said that they would have to check with a supervisor and call our attorney back, they never call.
They missed placed our first three payments then they put forclosure on our credit report without us even knowing that this is what they were actually doing. The only way we found out is because we were in the process of getting credit for something else and it came up on our credit report. I was quite angry! Our payments were mailed on time and they lost them!

This company has to be stopped and forced out of our country. Go Back To India! They have no right being here hurting people and distroying credit, taking away homes and breaking the lives of American citizens. We work hard for the things we have and then the Devil comes in and takes it away.

Company: Ocwen Loan Servicing
Country: USA
State: Illinois
City: Carol Stream
Address: 12650 Ingenuity Drive Orlando, Florida 32826
Phone: 8009269400
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