Card Service International
CardService International False advertisement and misrepresentation of contractual agreement ripoff

Business & Finance

Below is the exact SUPERIOR COURT letter that I will share with all consumers. Beware of this company. This is a fraudulent company. Every individuals in this company, from employees to managers, is very unprofessional. The only way that they know how to deal with a problem is to Actively avoid/ignore it and hoping that it will go away. But, not this time, CardService! Our experience is the same as other companies who got scammed! We only signed three pages with the proper agreement for the interest rate and nothing more. However, our bank statement showed a big discrepancy in interest charge.

As previous complaints, many phone calls and emails were made, and I got bounced back and forth between the corporate office (here we go - the same characters (e.G., Dave Hagger, Scott King, etc.) and Raina Pfister (Agency). And, they've been ignoring us. As a result, we are taking them to court next month (October). Stay tune! I will post the result.

Re: False advertisement and misrepresentation of contractual agreement

Mr. Scott King
Ms. Raina Pfister
Card Service International
P.O. Box 5180
Simi Valley, CA 93062-5180

The full purpose and intent of this document is to set forth legal actions and lawsuits against Scott King and Raina Pfister who represent CSI, Corp. Numerous attempts to reconcile this matter via phone, email, and in person over the past three months had failed miserably due to communication break down or lack there of. CSI, as a whole, and its employees, in specific, namely Scott King and Raina Pfister possess neither professionalism nor business etiquette toward their customers. Scott King and Raina Pfister have been actively avoiding as well as ignoring our requests by not answering/replying to phone calls and emails.

This lawsuit is for the amount of two thousand dollars ($2000.00).

Grounds for legal actions and lawsuits

-1- False advertisement
-2- Misrepresentation of information
-3- Negligent contractual agreement
-4- Purposefully and deliberately delaying the transfer of ownership of the credit card
terminal which leads to fee entrapment
-5- Not following through with plans and promises

Goals to be accomplished

-1- Cancellation fee ($75.00) refund
-2- Closure fee ($250.00) refund
-3- Rate discrepancy/difference refund ($34.00)
-4- Monthly credit card terminal fee refund @ the rate of $27.54/mo since cancellation
-5- Return the credit card terminal to CSI's office
IMMEDIATELY (fee is still charged to our bank account)
-6- Loss of time/effort and emotional distress are accounted for the rest of the $2000.00

Platinum Nails will provide you a final opportunity to contact us to discuss this case. If we do not hear from you within ten (10) days from the date of this letter, Platinum Nails will take all necessary measures to preserve its rights and remedies under federal and state law. This may involve the initiation of legal proceedings by filing a lawsuit against you based on the draft complaint enclosed in this letter.

Platinum Nails remains committed to resolving this matter. However, unless we hear from you within the next ten (10) days, Platinum Nails can only conclude that you do not wish to resolve this matter informally.

Company: Card Service International
Country: USA
State: California
City: Moorpark
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Raina Pfister
"Con Artist Extradinnaire"

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