Hrs Usa
Structuring Payment Conditions to Encourage Late Fees

Business & Finance

Company does not accept pre-payment on future montly payments. Advanced payments are credited only to one month's payment regardless of amount sent. Failure to exactly have the post office deliver a payment within defined date limits will result in a $29.00 late fee.

The 21 day open period also includes the time for mail this case 10 days are used for sending and receiving allowing an opening of 11 days as a window to respond. When mail is on hold for vacations and no abity to pre-pay, this guarantees a late fee charge.

CompUSA and OfficeMax are two leading businesses that consign their collections to this company and appear to support this policy.

Wichita, Kansas

Company: Hrs Usa
Country: USA
State: Delaware
City: Wilmington
Address: P.O. Box 15521
Phone: 8003650292
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Westlake Financial Services
RIP-OFF WFS Posts Payments 1-2 weeks after receiving them

Providian National Bank
Ripoff Would not take payment over the phone Tilton New Hampshire

Wachovia Dealer Services
Continually not cashing payment checks untill after the 15th day after due date thereby causing late charges santa ana

Household Credit
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MedChoice World Financial
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Fidelity Investments
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Tri County Electric Corporation
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Fairbanks Capital Corp
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