Capital consumer credit, Mr. Dillon
Capital choice consumer credit Mr. Dillon ripoff thieves, victimized many consumers

Business & Finance

First, a man named Mr. Dillon colled and told about the sercices that his company was offering. He gave me many obtions in how i could used the credit card. He told me that i could win free airline tickets and many other things. Then he gave me a telephone number to call in case i had any onther question about his company. The phone is # 418 488 4664.

On march 26, Two weeks later, i received a latter from the same the letter they say the same thing they told by phone. They guaranteed me good benefits if join they the letter they say that i had to send a $39 membership fee and that i will received my credit card in ten business day.

Finaly last week, i received a letter from my bank telling that my account had been debit with $ 199.00 from a company named capital choice cunsumer credit. I don't know how they did it and why the bank charged my accoun for that amound without let me know. I really want to know what happened with my money and if is possible recover my money that this theves took from my bank account.

Edel Sanchez
Corona, New York

Company: Capital consumer credit, Mr. Dillon
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Miami
Address: 9590 NW 25 Street
Phone: 4184884664
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Capital Choice Consumer Credit

Capital Choice Consumer Credit
Capital Consumer Credit ripoff. Told me I was garanteed $5,000 for a credit card consumer rip-off fraud

Capital choise consumer credit
Capital choice consumer credit capital choice consumer credit ripoff abused & mistreated ripoff off consumer fraud ripoff

Capital Choice consumer Credit
Capital CHoice sucks

Capital Choice Consumer Credit
Fraudulent ripoff company

Capital Choice Consumer Credit
NOT A Real Credit Card screwed others too

Capital Choice Consumer Credit
Rip off capital choice consumer credit

Capital Choice Consumer Credit
Capital choice consumer credit complete absolute rip-off lie

Capitol Choice Consumer Credit
Capital Choice Consumer Credit ripoff dishonest fradulent billing dirty ripoff liars

Capital Choice Consumer Credit
Ip-off scammers & evil fraud dirt bags