Homecomings Financial
Ripoff force placed insurance foreclosure told supervisors don't answer their phones

Business & Finance

We had homecomings at one point and they kept force placing insurance. After several times giving proof that we had insurance, they paid us back almost 1700 by the end of the year. We refinanced with another and without our ok was resold to homecomings. We tried to refinance agian and withing a month homecomings told us that we were in foreclosure. They said that we made only partial payments. Agian they forceplaced insurance and we sent proof at least 10-13 times.

The guy in charge of our account sent us an agreement and i went thru it with him and each time i questioned the amounts it came out to different amounts. We sent him 3000.00 and when i looked over the agreement and saw that it again was incorrect i called and ask to talk to his supervisor. I was given to him. I ask him for his supervisor and he got mad said that he was returning the 3000.00 and selling our home and hung up on me. Thru out this whole ordeal we tried to contact a person and always got a voice mail.

I called right back and ask for this man's superisor and was told that they do not answer their phonee. This new guy stated that they sent us a certified letter regarding the partial payments. When i asked if he had a signature or the receipt he stated that it wasn't required, i stated that it is required and the guy refused to put me intouch with a supervisor. This has gone on for over a year with our credit ruined, no financial institute will touch us, we had our truck repoed, have not missed a payment and pay 1400.00 a month. This past june our interest went up and now our payments are 1660.00. We are behind on other bills and the emotional mess is unreal.

We are both hard workers, our kids need clothing and we have never had a honeymoon nor a vaction. Our children are also being effected by this. I get so depressed and i am sure that my husband does too. Pllease help us. Like those others that homecomings has preyed on we can not afford an attorney. Please contact us.

Company: Homecomings Financial
Country: USA
State: Texas
Phone: 8002062901
Site: homcomingsfinancial.com
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