Accounts Recievable Management
Ripoff Nasty and Unprofessional - Ms. LaWanda Jenkins

Business & Finance

This company's representative, Ms. Jenkins is one nasty and rude individual. She was highly inapproprate to me during the course of a recent conversation.

Some of the things she said implied that she is uneducated and childish. She was yelling on the phone and made sexual references.

This behavior is unexceptable and people should not be subjected to such. This is harrassment and emotionally disturbing. I'm just returning home from an eight day stay in the cardiac unit of my local hospital. I did need to be treated this way.

I hope someone puts a stop to this.

Company: Accounts Recievable Management
Country: USA
State: New Jersey
City: Theodore
Address: 155 Mid Atlantic Parkway
Phone: 8002203350
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