Ripoff they brainwashed 30 people into thinking we would have an actual job - threatened to call the cops and i told him he should so they could arrest him for ripping off people

Business & Finance

I want to thank all the people that are posting bulletins on how primerica rips off people. I went to their "introduction" where they brainwashed 30 people into thinking we would have an actual job. All they wanted was interested employees and their families financial information so they can set it up with their accounts to make money.

They dont care if you have sales skills they just want phone numbers of your family and friends so they can destroy your relationship with them.

During the "introduction interview" I stood up and tried walking out. The recruiter brainwasher asked me what i was doing i told him and all the other interested employees it was bullshit. He threatened to call the cops and i told him he should so they could arrest him for ripping off people. He never did. I wish somebody would take this company down. The revolution will NOT be televized.

Company: Primerica
Country: USA
State: Minnesota
City: Maplewood
Address: 3206 County Rd D. Maplewood Mn
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Vague persistent and a scam

Primerica: A Member Of Citigroup
Primerica, A Member Of Citigroup Told me they were a Citigroup member, which is correct, but didn't tell me they were Primerica

Shameful Lies, Hazelton, ripoff, takes money from employees

Not picky about whom they recruit, ripoff

Barry Hower
Primerica, With Primerica MOST DECEITFUL SCAM AROUND WATCH OUT! Ripoff



Its a cult! Do not go to their meetings or be sucked in as a "primerica rep!"

Fraud and cheating

Doesn't exactly lie to you, and isn't really a scam - but it's definetly not what you expect and is a MAJOR waste of time. Ripoff