The Children's Place
Company's credit card division is charging huge late fees and not applying credited payments

Business & Finance

Credit Card Company for The Children's Place continued to charge me late fees despite me sending in payments to more than cover the initial credit charged. I intentially sent in more money than owed on my second payment so that I could pay off the balance. This credit card company is ripping customers off with continued late payment fees and extra high interest rates.

Company: The Children's Place
Country: USA
State: New Jersey
City: Secaucus
Address: Customer Service, PO Box 689182
Phone: 8008103202
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Hrs Usa

Juniper Credit Card, Barclay's Bank
Juniper credit card is a ripoff! Charging overlimit fees because they put you over the limit!

Americredit Finance
Ripoff over charging late payment amounts which was not agreed in the contract

The Children's Place
Non-receipt of credit card and bill, excessive late fees

Chase Credit Card
Fleet Credit Card ripoff, finance charges, late fees

Express Consolidation
Inc Rip off. Paying for nine months and owe more than when started to credit cards

Sears National Bank - Sears Credit Card - Sears Credit Services
Ripoff, Charged false fees, Mail frauded, Hounded, harassment, treated like a dog ripoff business from hell

First National Bank Of Marin

Chase Credit Card
Slammed with interest charges and late fees for paying early

Elizabeth Blascruz
Rip off