Asset Acceptance

Business & Finance

Asset acceptance bought an alleged account from v* wireless without exercising due diligence to subbstantiate that there was a real indebedness. Aside from being beyond the statute of limitations for an unsigned contract they had no invoice (s) to reflect phonme calls made or received.

Both v* and asset acceptance succeeded in damaging my credit dfor several years. They then sue me and i answered their complaint. They never showed up at the first two mediations giving lame excuses to the magistrate. They then offered to dismiss the case with prejudice if i sign a mutual release not to sue them for various infractions of federal laws.

I refused to sign the release; yet they still dismissed the case without prejudice. I think these unethical tactics hit hardest at the impoverished and ill educated who don' have the resources to do battle with them. Check out the $2 million plus verdict against one of their competitors, w* w* for sleazy practices.

beachwood, Ohio
A href="/whyedited.Asp" target="why" sorry, allowing you to give a competitors name would instigate others to just file against their competition, to only come back later to suggest their company your comments on this policy are welcome!

Company: Asset Acceptance
Country: USA
State: Michigan
City: Warren
Address: 28405 Van Dyke Avenue
Phone: 5869399600
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Asset Acceptance
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