Deceptive hiring practices

Business & Finance

After all these months, I still see the same few people defending the deceptive practices that are the MANTRA of this company.

Gary seems to have all day to respond to these posts, that I wonder how he has time to do the Primerica thing. This is my second post and probably my last because if you have found this sight and you STILL join, even though you have been warned in explicit detail, then there should be no surprises. You know what to expect.
FIRST AND FOREMOST the biggest FACT is... It is NOT A JOB.

It is 100% commission based position, with lOTS of prerequisites. Most people think when they go on a "JOB" interview that they are going to be paid. YOU ARE NOT GOING TO BE PAID FOR A LONG Ohio, you have to complete 40 hours of classroom first, then schedule for your test (which takes a few addtional weeks.
You have to pay the 199.00 You have to pay for Fingerprinting and you have to PAY to take the Test.

If you fail the test to have to PAY AGAIN. You are not being paid by Primerica while all this is going on. Nor is is legal for you to get commission until you are licensed.

Once you get the Insurance license, you then need to study for and take the Series 6 and 63 tests in order to sell mutual funds and stocks. Thats another $400 mininum. So if you NEED MONEY NOW you are not going to get paid for several MONTHS minimum.

When they are talking to people about Primerica, these things are not spelled out until AFTER you have joined.
This is why its deceptive from the beginning, and gets much worse once you are there for awhile and you hear over and over how ALL other types of insurance are RIP OFFS and ALL other BANKS want to rip you off and how they can help THE AVERAGE Joe but every time I and friends of mine tried to help the average JOE they were turned down for loans BY CITI MORTGAGE.

I joined knowing that this was going to be a learning experience. I knew there was not going to be checks coming for a while. What disgusted me was every week it was a big RAH RAH session with very little tangable facts, and a whole bunch of putting other careers and other Finacial institutions down. I got sick of it.
We were told early on that COLD CALLS would not be made. But once your "warm market' is used up and your referals leave town to avoid you, you begin to talk to strangers. I have seen LOTS of people getting names out of phone books, college enrollment lists, internet job sites, etc. ARE THESE NOT COLD CALLS?

I know people suceed in the company. And Im not disputing that. I am saying that the METHODS used to RECRUIT were shameful and the promises made to me were not fufilled.
If there was more teaching and less preaching, I might have stayed longer but it is a recruiting mill, no question about it.

So before any primericans respond with the same rehearsed comebacks dont bother.
I heard them all
i was taught them all.
I went to the convention and heard them for 3 days straight.
Gary et al,
go help people and quit defending something that should need no defence. If its all good it would speak for itself.

Company: Primerica
Country: USA
State: Ohio
City: Cincinnati
Address: 9050 Center Pont
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The stories are the same only the names change ripoff

Ripoff misleading and deceptive practices bayville

Defines the word Rip-Off

Ripoff this a trap

Who would invest with these people?


Not picky about whom they recruit, ripoff


At it Again

Financial Ripoff deceptive tactics in recruting