Giove Law Office
Ripoff they took my money

Business & Finance

These people sent me a letter claiming they were collecting for an account I owed. I paid them off back in december. They said they were going to send me a confirmation letter stating I had paid in full. Well I never receieved any letter. Now I have another law office after me for the same account. I tried calling Giove law office and he claimed he was looking it up on his "data base" and said he couldn't find me on it. Also he gave me another number to call to talk to someone and there was no answer I had to leave a message. Nobody is calling me back. Then I went to their website. The phone number on the website is not the same as on my letter. I called to number and hmm it's not in service. Although my bank statements had them cash my checks.
Well I don't know what to do.
If anyone has any suggestions on how I can get my money back and then some please write me..

Company: Giove Law Office
Country: USA
State: New York
City: Niagara Falls
Address: 3695 Pine Ave
Phone: 8006085892
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