Southern Telmark

Business & Finance

I was applying for credit card so i could start to establish credit. One day i got a index size card in the mail saying I could get a card. I call the number & like evry credit card place there is the one time activation fee because of not having credit. I gave them my account number & bank & they took the money before the date they said they would & never send me the card.

Falmouth, Massachusetts

Company: Southern Telmark
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Jacksonville
Address: P.O. Box 15049, Jacksonville Florida 32239
Phone: 8663372272
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Southern Telmark
Credit scam!

Southern Telmark bank
Account scams

Southern Telmark
Ripoff withdrew money from my account for a credit card that I never recieved

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National Credit Shopper theft of my funds

Southern Telmark Consumer Services
Ripoff consumer fraud ripoff

Southern Telmark
Are thieves, liars, & dirty ripoff dogs

Southern Telmark
Unathorized electronic debit

Southern Telmark
Southern telmark is even worse!

Consumer Services / Sorthern Telmark Ripoff scam Jacksonville Florida

Southern Telmark Credit Card
Ripoff Scam