Superior Asset Management
Ripoff regarding fake t-mobile account

Business & Finance

I received a letter informing me I have a debt owed to Superior Asset Management, unfortunately I cannot find a phone number that actually works to call regarding this. I have a phone with Cingular, and havent had a T-Mobile account. I have seen alot of complaints regarding this company and I would like more information on ways to contact them. If I send certified mail and get no response, what is the legal right to have the item removed from my credit report? I have disputed on Experian and they removed it without question, however the other 2 need more information.

I will be filling a complaint with my State Attorney General regarding this company, however I live in Washington State. Any information on what to do would be appreciated! Thanks.

Company: Superior Asset Management
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Fort Walton
Address: P O Box 4339
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