Herbalife International Of America
Ripoff Internet Work at Home Business Turns Nest Egg into Omellette, Pure Con Game California

Business & Finance

I answered an ad off TV for a work at home business. I was sent a DVD for $9.90 that praised this company that was growing rapidly and to get in NOW while things are HOT!

Then a representative called and talked me into watching the secret section on the DVD and set a follow up appt. They actually have one of thier Millionaire Team Members call you and tell you how easy it is to get started and the time is now.

They push you to train, which I did nonstop with conference calls and internet training, and workbooks. At no time did they say you would need to pay to set up websites, special phone lines, charge accounts etc. All they said was buy the international business pak and everything is explained and included.

I checked with the BBB and they gave a favorable report, after I finally found out it was Herbalife. I figured Herbalife's been around a long time so it must be a wise decision.

They push you to use a charge card to order the supervisor product inventory, because you'll be able to pay it off with $1700.00 profit in 1 month. I told them we were financially strapped because we are Hurricaine Katrina victims and don't have access to DSL or cable internet. NO PROBLEM!

Of course they wanted me to call back when I had funds in place since they knew I would be able to make a good living from home. The SBA gave us a business loan because of the Hurricaine, Now I'm stuck with inventory and trying to pay off a loan I couldn't afford. I told them there were no customers around because of the hurricaine and my "coach" said that doesn't matter, sales are through the internet or calls made to you.

Well once they got my $2900. The story changed, my coach became scarce. She developed health problems. When I complained about all the fees I was putting out, (phone line, merchant accts, websites, etc.) She told me she was quitting the MLM since it was costing her over $2,000 a month in advertising and she wasn't getting enough of a return.

Well that leaves me high and dry. Now to send the products back Herbalife wants to charge a 10% restock fee, non-refundable "packageing" which they get back, and I must pay to ship it back. At least $100.

Everyone gets a piece of the pie but me. Of course that's the plan to start with. A Professional Racket from the getgo. I will not be a party to suckering someone else into this scam.

So here I sit, in the hurriaines wake and on disability income, trying to figure out how to recoup my loss and pay off a loan. DON"T FALL FOR THIS RACKET!!!

So after reading this and you would like to join please call my"upline supervisor and mentor" please call 805-648-7475.

Company: Herbalife International Of America
Country: USA
State: Hawaii
City: Inglewood
Address: 9800 LaCienega Blvd
Phone: 3102167770
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