Edp Reporting
Ripoff fraudulent billing

Business & Finance

They are trying to get $159.00 for something I never in truth applied for. I applied for an acclaim card and suddenly I found out I was charged &159.95 for something I know nothing about. There was no mention of fees or anything like that and I rec no confirm or anything in ref to a deduction from my checking acct. I disputed it with my bank and i hope that they will recover my money for me as it has messed up my checking acct to no end as I am on SS and live on a fixed income Thank you.

Company: Edp Reporting
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Phone: 8004300672
Site: edp reporting.com
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Consumer Report

Realty fraud!

United Cash Loans
Fast Cash stold money from my checking acct

Secert Cash Card
Fraudulent billing, of $49.95, to my checking acct, then my bank charged $33.00, due to my now being overdrawen Ripoff

Consumer Report

Cca Credit Department
Ripoff tried to bill my bank account for a card that is only a cataloge credit card, rip-off lisrs!

Teenfarm is a dishonest ripoff, they bill checking acct without permission & free trail can't be ended. Worldwide

PayDayCS And SafeIDIsUpp
Online Loan ID thieves

Fraudulent, unauthorized fees deducted from checking account, no response

Idtheft 200cash
I got ripped off i want my money