Federal Bank ripoff We have been under attack from Ocwen

Business & Finance

WE have been harassed since we filed a chapter 13. We think everything is going Ok and then we get a threating letter to foreclose. WE have been paying our regular payment and extra portion. They cashed them in January-February - and March. Then in April they took the normal payment and did not cash the extra amount at the end of the months. They cashed our house payment but not the extra payment. We have not had a invoice for four months afet sending in requests for our invoice. WE then received a basically form letter actually telling us nothing. They did not cash 2 extra payment and have sent back our May payment. To top it all they are trying to raise our payment $800 per month saying that interest rates have risen about 3%. We are now fighting agian with them. We are inour late 50's and this is taking a great deal out on our health and sanity.

Company: Ocwen
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Orlando
Address: 12650 Ingenuity Dr
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Refuses to acknowledge receipt of payment, wants an "extra" payment

Ocwen Federal Bank FSB


Ocwen bank ripoff so many extra cost and high payments untill I can no longer aford them

Ocwen Federal Bank
Predatory lender!

Help ocwen is ruthless

Ocwen Federal Bank FSB
Took advanced payment and applied it to the principal charging late payment for January


Ocwen Federal Bank
Ripping you off? Payment Scam Uncovered

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