Midland Mortgage
Billing Records Not Accurate - Followup Substandard

Business & Finance

My ongoing dispute with this company has gone on for two years. I have sent all the copies of cancelled checks that clearly indicate I have paid my mortgage on time for the past two years. However, despite repeated exchanges, the company will not update their records.

And, this month, after reviewing the total monthly payment was new and the escrow was short, I send an additional check to the posted address and sent it the mortgage amount indicated, sending it to the posted address, the company sent me a notice saying I did not make the full payment. They had subtracted the shortgage from the escrow from the second check for the monthly mortgage amount and cashed the second check for the shortage.

Reading this site has made me realize these folks have inadequate billing personnel and a system that is totally flawed. I would be more than happy to add my name to the growing list of folks unhappy and willing to do something.

Company: Midland Mortgage
Country: USA
State: Oklahoma
City: Oklahoma City
Phone: 6034261299
Site: mymidlandmortgage.com
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