Wells Fargo Home Mortgage

Business & Finance

Ah yes a Wells Fargo victim as well. Wells Fargo took over our home just a couple of months after purchase. About 4 months later I called them to inquire about the accelerated program. I thought it was a great thing, signed up and we were on our way. At least this way I felt the mortgage would be paid. A year later the primary owner on the mortgage, my partner lost her job (The company shut doors and closed to another state). We asked them not to take one half of the payment for that month.in other words we were paying 437.00 every other week and asked not to take one of them. They did so, but we did not realize or should I say find out it haunted us for 6 months and did not know it. My partner obtained a job real quick after getting laid off (consulting) so the payments were still being made. 7 months later we called them regarding a different circumstance and then found out that they had put 437.00 in this so called reserved account cause they did not know what to do with it. It was when they had received an extra payment from when we had received 3 checks that month. Don't know what to do? You apply it to the account idiots. Had they applied it to the account we should not had the fees they were referring to that we so called owed and did not know about. Okay they were still getting their money every payday for a couple of more months. Lo and behold my partner was laid off again due to loss of contract. I called them 1 month before the next mortgage was due and asked for assistance since she was now on unemployment. I was told they could not do anything for us or help us since we were not delinquent. Hello - I did not want to get there - that was my whole point of calling. They actually told us to wait after 3 months. Do you know in the meantime they have sent letters stating about foreclosure. I have since called them and because we are only 2 months behind they will not work with us. How absurb huh? Oh yea their so calling work with us is that we send them 900.00 and then for a year our payments would be 1084.00. What is this? Our regular payment is 869.00?? Go figure. We are only 2 months behind right now.

Company: Wells Fargo Home Mortgage
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Site: wellsfargo.com
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