Risk Management Partners

Business & Finance

I have paid this company $8000 to handle my creditors and clear my credit history.

I have been sued by three creditors and have settled out of court on my own with each one.

I have written to Risk Manager, called and left numerous messages, emailed, and sent a registered letter requesting my money back.

I have had no responses to any of this.
I would like to have my money returned to pay off my creditors.

My next step will be to contact the Better Business Bureau and report the company.
The web site I previously used appears to no longer exist.

I hope that others will read this and realize that this company apparently is a fraud and avoid the mistake I have made. It has proven to be quite costly.

Company: Risk Management Partners
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Carson City
Address: 2533 North Carson St. Suite 4937
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Miracle Management Group - Riskmgmt Partners
Miracle Management Group riskmgmt Partners ripoff

Risk Management Partners
JUBI RIPPED OFF $17,000 Ripoff Carson NV

Risk Management Partners - RMP
Ripoff dishonest fraudulent will not return phone calls or emails & 12,568.00 not paid to creditors

Miracle Management Group, Risk Management Partners
This company took 8299.00 dollars of my money and did not pay any of my creditors. Ripoff

Miracle Management Group AKA Risk Management Partners
Ripoff owes me $8,000 won't settle my accounts, won't refund my money, won't respond to my countless calls, faxes & e-mails, this is fraud deception criminal!

Miracle Management Group, Hyla Stanton, Risk Management Partners
This company is a fraud, they take your money and don't make any settlements with your creditors Ripoff

MMG Finance Risk Management Partners Limited
Promised to pay off our debt but did not, now they will not refund our $9365.98 and we cannot find them. Ripoff

Risk Management Partners
Ripoff fraudulent debt consolidation company who stole over $3,000 of my money

Risk Management Partners
Ripoff liars, fraudulent pratices

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Miracle Management - Risk Management Partners ripoff fraudulent deceptive cheating