First National Credit
The company sent me an application for 15,000.00 credit line and 0% interest for 12 months already approved, I looked for a number then checked into the phy

Business & Finance

I was sent an application from First National Credit with a pre-approved line of credit of 15,000.00 and 0% interest for 12 months if i sent them 37.00 dollars. I thought it was funny and there were no phone numbers. Address was not listed in the phone book nor information. I wanted to try to find out if this was a scam, so I went to the internet to try to justify my gut feelings. Looks like I was on the money. I did not send them any money, but I wonder how many people they have scammed. I hope others will research this like I did and find out the truth about them. Truly incredible! Brian WilliamsCharlotte, North Carolina

Company: First National Credit
Country: USA
State: California
City: Aliso Viejo
Address: 27101 Aliso Creek Road, Unit 126, Aliso Viejo, CA 92656, Pacific Park Plaza
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First national credit
Is a scam

First national credit
Ripoff offers a fraudulent credit card with a line of 15,000 ripoff artists fraud

National City
Ripoff has distroyed my credit on a credit line that I have never used

First National Credit
Ripoff consumer rip-off fraud

First National Credit
Almost got ripped-off

First National Credit
Texas - received application from First National Credit - decided to check out some info

Ccs First National Card

First National Card

Ccs First National
Sent me a credit card without me applying for it. Says i have a 6500 approved credit line. Ripoff Las Vegas

CCS / First National Card
CCS/First National Card Approved First National Card Credit - Unsecured - Fraudulent Company to obtain banking information