Primerica almost stole my good friend. Signs to look for Primerica brainwashing. Read if loved one goes to meetings. Primerica Brainwash Chart Internet

Business & Finance

I too was offered to go to a meeting, or have a current trainee come into my house with another employee.

This trainee is a very good friend of mine, and was talking about how Primerica can help people get out of debt and how some people should change thier insurance policies so they can get more money when someone dies and all these seemingly wonderful financial advantages Primerica offers. He was also slinging the word Citibank around quite often.

Shortly after that I happened to talk to my brother and mentioned Primerica to him in a casual conversation. He nearly vomited at the word Primerica, warning me that if I ever went to a meeting I would get brainwashed, and worse yet, turn into a mindless zombie spitting out phrases that are lectured at these Primerica "meetings" like a broken record player. He then told me he too was invited to a "meeting" to learn about the wonderful Primerica. He went to the meeting. Only one. Lucky for him he's bullheaded.

He then told me what to look for if someone had been brainwashed/trained and to also as to what degree. This is what I gathered and condensed from three hours of lecture from my younger brother (22 years old) myself being 26 and the trainee being 24.

&Primerica Brainwash Chart&
-Level One Brainwashing-
-Just starting out with Primerica ONE, TWO or maybe THREE meetings
1. Mentioning Citibank over and over and how Citibank is largest finacnical instituion in the world. He said it would always be along those lines.

2. Repitition of their life insurance is better than the one you may have. (I can't honestly remember what Primerica offers, but they want you to change it to Primerica's.)

When asked what qualifications you need
3. Nothing! Anyone can do it and make tons of money, just come to the meeting or have the trainee go with an employee to your house. They will call incessantly if you agree.

Then ask...
THE NUMBER ONE QUESTION: When do you get paid?
ANSWER: When I get my license.

The Primerica recruit at level one has only gone to ONE, TWO or maybe THREE meetings, and can't answer many questions you have, other than you need $199 to get your license and the above points stated.

When asked about the MLM they say there is no pyramid scheme, or you have to explain it to them. I have been a victim of one scheme myself, foolish as it may be, but fool me once...

-Level Two Brainwashing-
-Trainee has had between FIVE and TEN meetings. Now they can answer questions about being paid.

Q: So how do you make all your money?
A: You form a group of people that work under you, and you get paid from what they sell. You really should come to a meeting.

Q: Have you gotten your license yet?
A: No, but I need to study and take the test from the State.

THE NUMBER ONE QUESTION: When do you get paid?
ANSWER: When I get my license.

When asked about the MLM scheme they tell you that there are a few "bad apples" and Primerica doesn't really work that way. Obviously they have been hearing bad things and asking questions at meetings. The response is most likely verbatim from the instructors.

-Level Three Brainwashing-
-Trainee is convinced they will create a vast amount of wealth through "big earners" at meetings, or by figures given to them from Primerica itself. They have attended between 20 and 30 meetings. There is seemingly no escape at this point.

Q: Did you get your license?
A: Yes.

Q: How's business.
A: I've sold a few policies, but people don't understand that they need our products. I have to keep calling them and visiting thier houses. I also REALLY need you to check it out. How about you go with me this Saturday?

THE NUMBER ONE QUESTION: When do you get paid?
ANSWER: When I sell more products and get people under me.

When asked about MLM they tell you it's merely a cut you get from "training" others to sell Primerica products. They seem to forget that these people were formerly "bad apples."

They will also keep repeating the above brainwashing phrases from level 1 and 2 throughout this whole ordeal.

-Level Four Brainwashing-
-between 40 and 50 meetings.

Trainee is absolutely convinced that Primerica is the answer to being rich, working for yourslef, setting your own hours and living like a king. Of course dream vacations, fancy cars and a luxury home or two are included in this saddening delusion.

THE NUMBER ONE QUESTION: When do you get paid?
ANSWER: See below.

I have asked my friend the NUMBER ONE QUESTION during his first few months with Primerica, but had grown silent when obviously this company truly makes few people big money, if any at all.

Keep in mind the ENTIRE time his Primerica training and career is going on he is working a FULL-TIME and a PART-TIME job.

Now I don't mean to scare anyone here, but I believe beyond any shred of a reasonable doubt that what I'm about to tell you has become self evident in all these posts concerning people who are currently working for Primerica or training to work there. You can unmistakingly pick out what level they are from my chart above.

All the while my buddy would attempt to get people to go to meetings at every opportunity. Fast food joints, walking in the mall, and even resorting to picking up hitch-hikers and stopping for people walking on the road to inform them of Primerica and how they could make some real money.

My very good friend has not only defended this institution throughout his training (almost EXACTLY as stated by my brother) but one day did so quite violently and abusively.

After TWO years of listening to this friend like a broken record player about how good life will be with Primerica, I actually asked the NUMBER ONE QUESTION with all sincerity while looking into his eyes, hoping at this time he would realize there is no money: " (name ommitted), how much money have you seen?"

And almost like Satan himself manifesting in a demonic rage directly in front of me, he comes out with it, shaking furiously and screaming at me. This is what he summed up:

I am not a true friend. If I really was a friend I would have gone to the meetings. I don't understand how Primerica is helping thousands of people every single day through Citibank. I will be a janitor the rest of my life, and don't ever want to do anything important. (Keep in mind we were both janitors working the same job.) His precious Primerica paid out money to families of 9/11 in five days while other banks let them starve. He then told me he will soon be making his own hours, taking vacations and driving a porsche while I was cleaning toilets, and no one understood financing as much as he did. He went on to say that he was making more money than the whole crew put toghether, and buying products from Primerica so he could "cash out all his wealth" and retire at age 30.

I swear to this day he almost punched me, for daring to ask how how much money he saw from his "lucrative' career with Primerica. There were so many explitives (not that he wasn't prone to them as much as I, which is quite alot) I don't have the strength to type them all. He belittled everyone on the crew including the manager (myself) and all passers, screaming at them, some as young as 14, that they will be cleaning toilets the rest of thier lives. (even thought they didn't work for our crew)

At this point I know very well that he knew it wasn't going anywhere, but like a gambler at the slot machine, he thought the the next pull of the wheel, the next meeting at Primerica, would be his ticket to riches. He exploded out of frustration and built up anger with Primerica.

I then asked him again with the same sincereity a bit of anger, and this time with tears in my eyes, "How much money did you get?"

He didn't say a word.

He left right then for the night and did some serious soul searching I presume, came to work the next day and never made a mention about Primerica again. Nor have I. I don't believe an apology is in order.

This is what Primerica has done to him. I truly believe he still goes to Primerica "meetings", but am sure he does it secretly, as if an addiction he is now ashamed of, or more likely hoping it will pay off so he can throw thousands of dollars at me and tell me "Up yours!" I don't think it will never pay off for him. I believe Primerica has twisted his mind and keeps almost everything from the little he DOES make.

He is still a wonderful friend, and I am hoping he doesn't go to them any longer. I will not tell him I have posted this, maybe he'll find it for himself someday.

Look at all posts for Primerica employees and tell me you can't pick out how many meetings they have gone to from that above chart.

Warn your friends and send them to this post if they even MENTION Primerica. Hopefully it's not too late.

Company: Primerica
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
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Keep up the good work Without you I would not have a job fixing your mistakes and replacing your over priced products Primerica Agents

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Its a cult! Do not go to their meetings or be sucked in as a "primerica rep!"

Defines the word Rip-Off

Ripoff Georgia
