Northern Leasing Systems
Are the epitome of the unscrupulous, dishonest, sleasy con artists, ripoff

Business & Finance

Northern Leasing Systems. This company conned my store employees to enter into a contract for credit card processing without informing that the contract would never expire. Even after the business closed and the contract nullified under Chapter 7 bankrupsy, they still are threatening my family with legal action. Even 4 years later they still send me threatening letters (thank god they dont know my phone #)

This company is a sham. They prey on the small business man by contracting independent contractors to sell their products with VERY vague wording within the contract. Then they harass them until they pay and pay and pay. ALSO, Dont beleive that paying your debt to this company will end the harassment, it wont! It is a commom tactic of this company to continue to bill/harass the customer even if the customer believes to have paid thier obligation.

Whatever you do... Dont do business with northern leasing. Currently my lawyer is pursuing a harrassment suit against them but i dont have any hope of it actually stopping them. They are the epitome of the unscrupulous, dishonest, sleasy con artist.

Stafford, Virginia

Company: Northern Leasing Systems
Country: USA
State: New York
City: New York
Address: 132 W 31st Street
Phone: 8002753251
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Northern Leaasing
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Northern Leasing Systems
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Northern Leasing Systems
A Nightmare Company How has this company not been sued right out of business

Northern Leasing Systems
Harass by this company for more than one and half year even after I closed my business on Aug. 2005. Ripoff

Northern Leasing
Is in the extortion, harrasment, and deceit business. Class action needed. Ripoff! New York New York