Ripoff, inaccurate information and unprofessional

Business & Finance

Hello to All,
I just wanted to thank the consumer complaints for showing me the truth about this company. I too, almost got suckered into this. I just went to my second interview today as a matter of fact and met with one of the Vice President's of Primerica. I was amazed that I got an interview with someone so "BIG" considering that I never have met the Vice President of any other company I have worked for. I have met the CEO of Opperations for one of the companies I have worked for but never the VP! I first met with a recruiter about 3 months ago and was skeptical so I never returned his phone calls. Then I decided to meet with this guy to see what he had to say. When I asked him if my pay would be based solely on what the company brought in he said that he guarantees I would make money. If you go to the and look under opportunities it states "Your income is based entirely on your performance and the performance of your team. The more effort you invest, the more money you can make." So I feel that what I was told in this interview was just a ploy to get me to join the "team", although it wasn't an honest one.

Another reason I am not joining this team is because of the unprofessionalism that I have read from the owners and supporters of this company. I understand that people are upset with this company and maybe are not acting in a professional manner, but doesn't give Primerica owners and supporters the right to be rude and unprofessional back. This just show the public how this company portray's themselves. If this company wants to defend themselves and gain new recruits then they need to be as accurate, professional and polite as possible. Remember primerica the whole public is reading these statements. Unprofessionalism is the quickest way to turn people off from your company. Maybe Primerica needs to include Professionalism 101 in the classes you have to take.

Just a little hint for everyone, there are a lot of websites out there that shows you what questions to ask when you think that you are being recruited for a pyramid scheme. Look into them they are wonderful. They will also teach you what to listen for when these companies are telling you how wonderful your life and career will be with this wonderful money making company.
Remember if it sounds too good to be true, it usually is.

I was just giving this company the benefit of the doubt. It will be the last time.

Company: Primerica
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
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