State Farm
And Chez Limited Collison Express ripoff. Chez unlimited also. Damaged property. State farm REFUSE to deal with it they say

Business & Finance

Long story.
Went over to sisters house to pick my movie up. Saw yellow flashing lights and ran to see what it was at the window. Saw it was a municipality of anchorage truck sander so i ran to move my truck out of the way. Well i saw him spray my truck with rocks not sand. He was going up a hill.

I had just purchased this vehicle as i said before from a dealership.

Its a chevy k2500 silverado extended cab. Anyway he had to turn around and come back down and i waitied next to my truck so he wouldnt do it again and hoped he would stop. He didnt stop so i called our police department. Filed a report. During this process im told the guy said he did it but he was going down the hill and started to slip (it wasnt slick by the way) so he shot rocks out of the backend so he could stop. He lied how it happened but Whatever he admitted to it.

So i called state farm. They told me to get it appraised and they gave me a place Chaz limited off seward highway in anchorage alaska. They recommended Chaz due to HIGH customer satisfaction and whatever they say state farm goes by. I said ok and brang it in to chaz friday for an estimate.

There address is Chaz Limited Collision Express, 6210 Old Seward Hwy, Anchorage, AK 99518-1805, Phone: (907) 550-2500.

They gave me an estimate of $2700.00 due to the rocks going all the way from my hood to the backend drivers side. I said ok.

Just a special note id like to put in here as we was sitting waiting for our estimate. There was a call from a customer there windshield wiper stuff was put on backwards AND THEN a old guy came in saying his backend is rubbin on the backcab
(of what they did) should of known not to take it back but i figure state farm would know more than i do about this company. Your suppose to trust there words.

Back to story...
Spoke with hubby and we brang it in the next monday at 9:45am with my sister. Dropped it off. Left my truck on the side road next to there shop and left. Actually next to a truck exactly like mine for sale.
Well hours later i remembered my garage door openener was in there and i needed it for my other vehicle.
So hubby and I came back at 4:54 pm and asked to get it out of the truck. Well mark at chaz went to go get it. He couldnt find my truck to my surprise. He searched. Then a lady (younger) came out with him as he chews her out. And they still looking for my truck. Well he openend the front main doors and saw my truck was still parked out in the street next to a truck that was for sale just like mine.

You saw him chewing her out again. She got in my truck. Started it and was TRYING to take off but she couldnt see over my utility box so she was standing up in the cab as she tried backing up. Well i have to mention this weather we have is under 20 degree f. So she started truck put in reverse and took off. Thats Bad on your main bearings etc. She drove the truck over to us gave us the door opener and we left. So my truck was not worked on for that whole day and unattended.

Next day my husband called state farm about a question on the truck job that chaz said state farm may have a descrepancy on. We wanted to make sure it wasnt. It was a little ding my truck is black. We wanted to make sure it would get fixed before chaz painted fully. He said it might come out of our pocket instead of claiming it.
Anyway back to the story Hubby called state farm they said the insurance adjuster is on his way down to chaz limited due to the descrepency of price. (price to fix was too high) We said of course it is but you refered us to them. We said we know it only cost 2-$3,000.00 to paint the whole truck. And chaz limited wanted $2700.00 just to paint the drivers hood, fender, drivercab, and driver bed replace a windshield which you can get for 200.00 at my husbands local glass shop. So we waited. Got a call back from the adjuster. He was claiming it was only the fender, hood and windshield. My husband had a complete cow. He told the adjuster its kind of funny how the rocks can only hit my hood, fender and windshield. Then skip my whole entire cab, drivers bed then hit my BRAND NEW tailights i just purchased a week before this off my visa card. So we had to make an appointment with the adjuster and bring in the truck to show them the damage.

So i went back to chaz limited the very same day with my sister asked for my truck. Nobody was there the guy said but me mark isnt here nor is dana. I said i need to get my truck there is a descrepency with state farm against your price etc. He said ok. Will get your keys. I questioned about my deductible i already paid he said ill get back to you next day about it.

Well he couldnt find my keys for a while. Finally he found them. Brang my truck to the main doors. And my sister and I walked out to take off. Well they guy kept questioning me OVER AND OVER about whom is going to do the work. I kept answering him about state farms problem with them. And told him over and over i have to take to adjuster to see what is going on later in the week.
Well my truck was sitting overnight way below 20 degree weather again. Not plugged in. He started my truck and drove it ASAP again. I stood in front of my truck as the whole front end was shaking back and forth by being cold and driven wrong. (I hope you understand how that goes.)
But as i stood there i noticed ALOT of scratches and a ding in my truck that wasnt there when i dropped it of at chaz linited. I Said there is tons of scrathes on that truck and a ding to him. He ignored me. I said it again. He said again whom is going to do this work on your truck? I finally got tired of him ignoring me about the damage and i snapped at him back sayin LOOK my husband said to pick the truck up cause state farm has a descrepency. Call him about it. He walked away ignoring me. My sister then walked to the drivers backend and was shocked to see marrs going down from my bed rails down to the middle of my bed. It was like this on both sides. Scratches on the hood. Scratches on my good side of the truck (passenger side) i mean just everywhere. To me it looked like they took my utility box and dragged it down my bedrails. Yeah and not to mention my utilty box was real real loose it wasnt when i took it in.
So i called hubby to tell him whats going on. He was in disguist by state farm because the adjuster said he only going to pay for part of the damage done by the municipality of alaska. Hubby said they wont pay for this im sure they not going to do anything about this. I ignored hubby and while im still in the parking lot of chaz I spoke to my sister about it as she was driving my ford windstar home for me so i could drive the truck home. She was livid about what was going on also.
So i called lori on my cell phone at ron sayers office and told her what happeend about chaz scratching the heck out of my truck. She said she would take care of it. I said ok.

Well lori also requested pictures of before muni rock episode. After rock episode and then pictres of chaz. Because due to chaz surprise i did take pictures of my truck before they had it.

Besides the fact i have full coverage and had this truck for less than a month at the time. (keep in mind)

So lori got them and we get a phone call saying chaz has to see the damage. We Said ok they can meet us down at the claim adjusters when we go and show them the damage that the muni did. The appointment was at 5:15. She said ok ill let them know. So we went to our appointment. No chaz limited showed up.

We showed adjusters before and after pictures of our truck. We showed them also what chaz had done. They said we deal with one thing at a time. We only gonna deal with muni at this time. We said ok. Got our check for truck. Told the adjuster we will not be going to chaz limited due to them damaging my truck even more than it was when i brang it in.

We also told them they stated they would refund us the next day i picked it up which that guy did say that but he couldnt because dana wasnt in. But they have not contacted us (its been about a week later by the way) they said thats not right we will talk to them about your deductible you paid. Well days later we got it back. The check was 1,000.00 less than chaz wanted and by the way we couldnt find anything wrong with a few things they CLAIMED (they as in chaz) said needed to be fixed in there estimate.

Well we waitied for state farm to kick in on what they was going to do about chaz. We heard nothing. So we called lori back. She requested the pictures to be emailed AGAIN. To show chaz limited. We got many phone calls about this matter from many of people from state farm. Even out of state representitives of state farm. Here is the downfall of it.

Chaz limited had the chance to see this truck twice. Once at the time i picked my truck up. Second to see it at the state farm claim adjusters office. But didnt care to.
State Farm has been saying there NOT going to deal with this and that I HAVE to take it down to chaz limited. I have told them over and over i will not take it down to chaz they ARE not my claim ajuster. They have the pictures that state farm sent them.

I have the right to take it to whomever I please. I dont want chaz to do anymore damage then they have done so. Nor do i want my truck to be around these idiots body shop!

Just so the world knows chaz limited drives your truck into there garage to look at things while you sit in there main office. Get my point?

But. I did tell state farm i can make another appointment with the State Farm adjuster and that chaz limited can come over and see the damage they had done once again. THEY REFUSE TO!

Thats what state farm told us! They said they are not going to do that! Nor deal with it
Ive left another message with ginger at ron sayer office spoke to melissa.

No call once again on meeting with those adjusters. No call on how they gonna fix this. I will not have chaz do it. They blew there chance.

The out of state representatives at state farm told me i have to let chaz look at it. We gave them the opportunity to do so. My husband took off work early to do so.
We told state farm they can do so But not at chaz limited sbody shop.

We have 4 kids. We are not going to punish them and have no christmas just to please these as* that wont do there jobs. So we can do there job! We dont get paid for it.

I dont know what there problem is. They way i look at it is i have full coverage on this truck. The truck at the time was less than a month old in our possesion.
I have pictures of this truck before any damage was done to it.

I also have pictures an hour before i took it to chaz limited. State farm got those emailed to them too.
It has to get paid for somehow. But State Farm wont do it. They told us by phone they are not going to deal with this.

When i wake up more i may add to this as its 4:19 am alaska time December 8. And as you know people forget to add things being tired. But I will tell everyone

I will not remove this

Not until my claim is properly done and state farm does there job like there suppose to.
So if you see nothing. Nothing didnt get done. Im also filing a report with division of insurance when i get stamps friday. Next will be the BBB. And so on.
I am however looking at allstates homeowners and car insurance now due to this. I see now I was an idiot for dropping allstate for statefarm.
Oh just so everyone knows i have no accidents I did. Nor a ticket on my record. Had a liscence since 16.
Nor have I made a claim on my car insurance i think since 1999? So im a prefered driver.

Oh funny thing i forgot to mention. Its odd they dont want to make this claim from chaz unless its under the municipality of anchorage incident?
They (state farm) dont want to file a seperate claim? Oh well guess state farm likes ripping people off. Not wanting to deal with claims you can proove
Such a shame too cause i was a good client for there company until this happened. And well people do talk about incidences that happened to them. I'll make sure i complain to anyone I know about this. Besides its fun to hear what they have done to others. SO I HEAR from people in anchorage alaska. This is common practice according to others. Wish id known before hand.

Boy do I also feel dumb for refering state farm to my friends.

To the State Farm agent that is reading this since i will be linking you to this. I wont budge. I will not bring my truck back down to that repair shop as you say i have to!

They had an opportunity to do so TWICE to deal with this matter and didnt care to do so. You cannot say to us you wont deal with this. You have to deal with it. Its YOUR job not ours to deal with chaz.
I will However Once again meet them down at the insurance adjusters office. And thats it.
And yes you have to deal with this. Its what i pay my FULL coverage for on my truck.

And chaz limited collision express I wouldnt recommend to anyone. Only if i could upload the pictures to you all of what they did. You would be in shock that a body REPAIR shop did this.

Goodnight/day to you all

willow, Alaska

Company: State Farm
Country: USA
State: Alaska
City: Anchorage
Address: 5600 Debarr Rd Suite 140
Phone: 9073334131
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