I Card Services
Bad Business Practices, BIG RIPOFF!

Business & Finance

Here's the timeline of what happened to me. JULY: I got a peice of junkmail in my email account. This junkmail is from a third party from when I looked into applying for some sort of advanced payday loan place. You have to enter in your bank account information to apply for a loan over the internet. Well this VIP CARD SERVICES pops up with all of your bank account information already entered in.interesting peice about this is I never went through with applying for the advanced pay loan and would NEVER have wanted a peice of crap VIP CARD. I DID read into it and its a card that you put money on yourself and charge like a credit card. I really dont remember a whole lot about it. We're talking this was 5 months ago.

OCTOBER 21: I notice a charge on my bank account for $159.00 and have NO IDEA what it possibly could be. I called Bank of America while the transaction was still pending to report a charge that was not mine. They said there was nothing they could do and to wait until the charge posted until I could dispute it. When the transaction posted it said VIPCARD and gave me their toll free number so I called VIPCARD trying to figure out who they were. I talked with a gentleman on the phone... Not helpful. I told the guy I was speaking with that I wanted this cancelled immediately and I faxed in a form they told me to look up on the internet... Which you can find at www.icardservices.com/refundform. I asked him how soon my money would be returned to me and he told me two weeks. Now this is the really really stupid part. I didnt write down this guys name.

NOVEMBER 11: Two weeks pass and nothing gets returned to me. So I call VIPCARD again and I get a girl this time (WROTE DOWN HER NAME) and said I thought this was being cancelled and how much longer before I get my money back. She says I have to fill out a police report and that would be the only way I could get my money. I told her that I had already spoken with a gentleman there and he said I only had to fax in their refund form. I Told her I had already faxed in their form to cancel this (Which wasnt cancelled by the way). She again gives me the address for the refund form and I said I know where to find it... I've already faxed it in. She says they never received it. So I fax it in again that day (Nov 11).

NOVEMBER 21: Still no refund. I'm filing a police report this week. My question is... If I sign up for something... I want some sort of confirmation or email or something that my account is being debited $159.00. Something I NEVER received. Another question is... Why was my account debited nearly 4 months after the fact that I even looked at the link. On the refund form it tells you very specifically to cancel this thing 3 days after you agree to something. If I never received confirmation that this thing (which I never wanted) was being debited from my account and I was given 3 days to cancel... And four months later the debit goes through... How in the world would I know to cancel this in 3 days???

Company: I Card Services
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Fort Lauderdale
Address: 2320 Ne 9th St
Phone: 8666303757
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