Wells Fargo Bank
Does not take responsibility for costly mistakes

Business & Finance

Wells Fargo processed a $140 dollar check that I wrote as $1480.00. Consequently, I was "overdrawn" and had checks bouncing. I would not have been aware of the mistake had I not happen to need to make a transfer from that account to another. When the mistake was brought to their attention they could clearly see the digital copy of the check and the descrepancy on their part yet I would not have access to my account for up to 10 days till they "researched" the issue. They would not even extend a loan to me of $100 even though my account clearly had $900 in it. Why? Because I "was overdrawn." Unbelievable! They did correct the problem after 3 days but no one acknowledged the complaint letter that I sent them nor did they compensate me in any way for the inconvenience.

Company: Wells Fargo Bank
Country: USA
State: California
Site: www.wellsfargo.com
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