Get Paid To Try - Andy Gold
Work at home ripoff SHOULD BE TRY TO GET PAID! Nationwide

Business & Finance

Well, the first day or two started out ok. I got quite a few. 25 payments for visiting web page ads and then got credited for a trial offer I completed. So I began working for hours everyday visiting web page ads and signing up for trial offers till I couldn't see straight. Trial offers are supposed to be credited within 24 to 48 hours. I have 11 trial offers still waiting to be credited.

I emailed Andy Gold at least 10 times thus far and as of 5 days ago haven't heard a thing other than "they" are looking into it (whoever they) are"? When I go to "my account" and view earnings the only credit that I see is the 5.00 bonus for signing up and I've never gotten that. I keep asking "mr. Gold" to do the right thing in my emails to him.

HOW can we make his experience as frustrating and unfair as ours have been? I am open to suggestions.

Company: Get Paid To Try - Andy Gold
Country: USA
State: New York
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Andy Gold - Get paid to try
Andy Gold - Getpaidtotry ripoff liars, do not honor their offers DO NOT PAY YOU FOR YOUR EFFORTS!

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