1st Credit Of America
MyPerfectCredit.com Ripoff Trying to collect on a $59.95 charge, refusing to validate with written proof

Business & Finance

They claim that I owe them $59.95 for a "cancellation fee" from MyPerfectCredit.com. I have never received anything from MyPerfectCredit.com.!

They refuse to validate this claim with written proof. So I am refusing to pay, as I well should. They are not operating within the law and should be treated as the criminals that they are.

It is interesting how our goverment, which we pay to protect us from these kind of things, looks the other way.;) Amazing what money can buy is'nt it?

Company: 1st Credit Of America
Country: USA
State: Illinois
City: Chicago
Address: Elizabeth St
  <     >  


1st Credit Of America - MYPERFECTCREDIT
Fired 1st credit of america! Ripoff

1st Credit Of America, myperfectcredit.com
Ripoff, unauthorized charges, credit collectors calling me

MyPerfectCredit.com ripoff fraudulent billing dishonest fake charges

Myperfectcredit.com, First Credit Of America
Myperfectcredit.com And First Credit Of America, Ripoff a collection agency to call us re: $59.95 bill for services for which we did not authorize. First Credit Of America, Illinois

Myperfectcredit.com - 1st credit of america
Ripoff, never had an account with them

1st Credit Of America - Allied Technology
Partners with ripoff company myperfectcredit.com

1st Credit Of America
Attempted ripoff by constant phone calls demanding payment for non existent bill

First Credit Of America
Fraudulently Representing MyPerfectCredit.com And ClearCredit.com MyPerfectCredit.com says DO NOT GIVE 1st Credit of America A DIME! FRAUD Ripoff

Collections Rip-off! Scoundrels!

My Perfect Credit
Ripoff, dishonest fraudulent billing