Conseco, greentree
Ripoff bad mortgage practices

Business & Finance

My husband and I bought our home in 1997, and after receiving numerous calls from Conseco, decided to refinance with them. They were supposed to pay all of our debts and the payments were to be for 12 years at
1100 a month. After signing (this was done in our home by their rep out of Indianapolis, and it went too quickly to read everything), I read the contract after the rep. Left and the next day called the loan officer that had handled the whole deal. I told him that they did not
include our debt with Meynards (which is owned by Conseco) and he said that it would not be a problem. On the third and last day before we could cancel the contract, I tried to reach the loan officer again and
he would not call back. The fourth day I finally reached him to make sure they were paying the Meynard account off, and he said that it couldn't be done. We tried to refinance again in but we owed about $7000 more than the home was appraised at the second time. We
have now filed bankruptcy and are still struggling to make the payments. I would gladly file a suit but have no money to do it with.

Company: Conseco, greentree
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Tempe
Phone: 8003305185
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