CCA First National Card
Ripoff, scam, hard to cancel, don't trust them

Business & Finance

I received a card from CCA First National and unfortunately I activated it. It took me 3 calls before I could cancel the card.

Everytime I called they gave me a bogus reason why I couldn't cancel the card. The third time I called it took several phone calls and an hour and a half to get the cancellation completed.

I don't trust them, so I am going to the bank tomorrow and freezing them from debiting my account. As soon as my outstanding checks and debits clear I am closing the account and opening a new checking account under a different account number.

In addition, I am filing a report with the New York State Attorney General's Office and seeking legal counsel.

Company: CCA First National Card
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Las Vegas
Address: PO Box 46101
Phone: 8006421760
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First National Credit - CCA
First National Credit (CCA) ripoff! It's almost easier to close your bank account then it is to cancel your account with them

Ccs - First National Card
Ripoff fraudulent bank draft

Ccs First National Card
Is a ripoff business that will steal your money. Las vegas

CCA - First National Card
Unathorized Debits from Banking Account

CCA - First National Merchant Credit Card

First National Card
Did not seem right, and how was I approved and did not apply

Cca (First National Card)
Ripoff, FRAUD

GENERAL SAVINGS Aka First Life Total Scam for this credit card company also a life insurance company. Ripoff!

CCA Credit Service Division - First National Card
I just activated the the card they sent to me and they get my checking for the activation fee for 199.99. They will deduct to my account this october 31

CCA First National Credit Card
Activated Card before I knew bette