Wells Fargo
Ripoff stealing my hard earned money

Business & Finance

Wells Fargo NEEDS to be sued for what they have been doing!!! I have two young Daughters to feed and it is hard enough to make ends meet without having some corporation stealing from you ENRON style.

They hold my paychecks SOMETIMES and then sometimes not. So when they hold it and don't tell me I have a F load of NSF and returned check fees. Then when you call them on it they can't even explain it because it is fradulent.

From what I've been reading they are just running ruckshod all over their poor little customers. I had originally opened an account with First Interstate Bank before they were Taken over by the heartless soulless Wells fargo. Please help!!!

Company: Wells Fargo
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Austin
Address: 10400 Research Blvd
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