Integra Financial - centurion
Ripoff! It's not a unsecured "Mastercard" just a box of

Business & Finance

OK well it has now set in that in 15-25 days i will be the proud owner of my second debit card (aka Stored Value Card). I was also given the hook line and sinker with the offer of a $2000 unsecured Mastercard. I put in my dispute with my bank CItibank, but it will not help, the money is long gone and i was recorded saying yes for a stored value card. So they got me by the rocks.

The customer service rep was completely rude (of course) and, said that i was never told i was getting an unsecured card. When i mentioned the information on this and other sites she told me that "people can write anything they want on the internet, it doesnt mean its true" which she is right they can but then i asked why others had got the same scripted sales pitch she said "you have to understand that people in sales are under alot of presure, so they may say things that aren't true in order to get you to buy it" UNREAL, are you kidding me!

So basically she then went on to tell me that "you should never buy anything on the phone, you should always go in to a bank to get a credit card" I couldn't help but laugh my ass off at this one. She just screwed the pooch with that statment. She might as well of laugh in my face and screamed "YOU GOT SCREWED!" i had to ask how she sleeps at night "don't make this personal or i will disconnect the call" PERSONAL! So my loss of $249 shouldnt be taken personal when i was completely lied to? I then told her you are welcome for paying her weekly salary of peanuts and popcorn and to sleep well knowing i will see her in hell!

So just for those who fall prey to these people the bank that is doing these tranfers or at least mine is:

CALNET BUSINESS BANK out of sacremento.
Super easy to find on the internet. If they took you also through this ACH call and complain imediately! It may help! Other wise make it a lesson...
I will still seek revenge... This fight is not over...

1 pissed off human
anaheim, California

Company: Integra Financial - centurion
Country: USA
State: New York
City: Champlain
Address: 100A Walnut St Suite 197
Phone: 8668486234
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Integra Financial
Rip off fraud in obtaining checking account information Internet

Centurion Financial Benefit
Ripoff They promise a unsecured card on the phone but slip in the word stored value and slide it right past you

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FRAUD ALERT NO MASTERCARD FOR $249.00 Don't Be Taken To Good To Be True Is Right It's A RIPOff

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