Consumer finanacial resource
Ripoff! Saint George

Business & Finance

I received a call from consumer financial resource. They promised me, a line of credit, I was asked if I had a checking account. After they withdraw the money from my account, I never heard anything.

No mail, postal or e-mail, it's been two months. Anyone who get a call from these conartist please, buyerbeware, Over $200 dollars was taken from my checking account, the bank can not return my money. I wish that these people are dealt with

syracuse, New York

Company: Consumer finanacial resource
Country: USA
State: Utah
City: St. george
Address: 473s. riverrd
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Go Tech Financial
Ripoff AVOIDED! Thanks to consumer complaints!

Consumer Resource Network
Rip Off. Went into my checking account wrote false checks without my authorization. Making it appear as if I authorize it

Payday Loan Resource Center
Is taking money from my checking account, that i have no knowledge of. Does not appear does not appear

Freedom Resource
Ripoff, took $250.00 from my bank account promising me credit card, free computer among other things fraudulent ripoff business

Payday Loan Resource Center - -
Idins autopay has taken out some kind of autopay from my checking account

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