Providian Bank
Gold Visa Has APR of 24%! Rip-off!

Business & Finance

Just had to pass this along to potential applicants for a card with this bunch of vultures. Received an offer from them this morning with a zero percent introductory rate until July. After that, it goes to an UNBELIEVEABLE 24%!! They prey on the very people who can least afford it. Avoid them like the plague!!! My Platinum Mastercard with Chase is equal to the prime rate set by the feds and is currently under 6%. Almost forgot, Providian credit line UP TO $3,000. My Chase card - $18,000.00. Good luck fellow consumers!

Don't forget to file your complaint and also file with the Federal Trade Commission.

Phone company/long distance providers - you also need to file with the Federal Communications Commission.

Tampa, Florida

Company: Providian Bank
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Address: Nationwide
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