Applebees... Corporate... Either Or Both
Health n dental insurance huh... Free country my ass - optimed insurance

Business & Finance

We had meeting to fill out packet for insurance. Well didn't really want it but under impression we had to. Well not only do people not tip at my restaurant, but my checks r not so hot either. Come to find out they started taking $ out for "insurance". It put huge dent in check. I dont want it and dont use it, not to mention I'm in ruff patch I need all funds I work for. So I call HR/payroll and told them I can't afford it right now I having probs getting all bills pain and its Xmas next week. She said nope i cannot... Cant... Cancel the insurance i am stuck with it have to pay for it nothing they can do about it. Well bullshit im pissed. Im 36 and ive never put myself in situations i couldnt get out of or change. Who the hell has the right to make me keep something i cant afford right now amd really dont want. Point being this is bullshit. What kinda shit preaching america home of the free. When im being forced to have n pay for something and for that the risk of loosing my essential things food, power, a home. I have never been so outraged that i wanted to quit or get fired so i could have back control of the decisions being made forced on me in my life... Disgusted!!!

Company: Applebees... Corporate... Either Or Both
Country: USA
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