Centurion Finance
Ripoff Total Scam

Business & Finance

Setup: A woman calls and informs me I can recieve a $2000 credit card, with a processing fee of $249.

I was skeptical, so I asked many questions and was given what I thought were satisfactory answers. I went through many of the terms associated with other cards I own, and she had the answers to each one. She seemed knowledgeable and creditable.

Reality: Weeks later, I was still awaiting my credit card. The payment was deducted from my bank account on 12.09.04.

Gee, do I feel foolish. I have reported this company and the incident to my bank's customer service department, fraud department, and have filed a formal duspute through them. I am not sure where it goes, but if you are a Bank of America customer, you might mention that other BofA customers have already reported this scam.

I am glad this site is here, or I would still be waiting.

Company: Centurion Finance
Country: USA
State: New York
City: Champlain
Address: 33 Elm Street
Phone: 8667840260
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