Wilshire Credit Corporation
Ripoff unethical practice refusal to give pay off balance charging for request of balance giving 4 different balances within 3 hour time frame

Business & Finance

After refinancing my house Wilshire was unwilling to give a pay off amount. When the finance company got a 2 different balances the sent check for pay off for over $9000.00. Wilshire has held check without notification to me or finance company and tacked on interest for the whole balance. Finally sending a late notice to me.

I and the finance company both contacted the company and with the 3 hours I contacted them got 4 different balances from each individual and would not give me a pay off unless I paid an additional $25 (which they already charged me for the balance giving to the finance company that was apparently wrong. After 3 hours nobody would talk to me or the finance company stating they are use to dealing with consumers like me.

I am at a loss as to determine if I can pay them off, since they won't give me an actual balance before they start adding more interest on to my account. Therefore, they will hold each and every check since they keep adding questionable interest and other charges to my account. My late fee in the contract states $5.92 seems to have cost me $55.92.

My request for a statement with the break downs of fees and charges was denied or ignored, not sure which.

I would like Wilshire to be held accountable for the bad and unethical business practices they are doing to me and other clients.

The rip off needs to stop!

Company: Wilshire Credit Corporation
Country: USA
State: Oregon
City: Portland
Phone: 8885020100
Site: wfsg.com
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