Liberty Ark DBA OSJ Jubilee Missions
Financial freedom fraud, debt elimination ripoff, bad credit is your final answer, DO NOT PAY DEBTS

Business & Finance

Liberty Ark says that they are the road to financial freedom. Their guarantee is to eliminate all debt with no adverse effect to your credit. All payments are made payable to OSJ Jubliee Missions and operate on a "pay as you go basis" and an enrollment fee.

Their objective is to educate consumers of the "our" legal rights and gives copies of the U.S. Constitution, Consumer protection rights, as well as court cases that validate the claim that third party collections is not only wrong but illegal. Liberty Ark offers you the choice to be set free from the goverment's control and gaurantee financial freedom. Liberty Ark has a team of experts, well-trained and dedicated to a New Age Reform which is the title given to "We the people.." who seek and find financial freedom.

In I went to two different seminars, each with the same contents and both begin with the "Matrix" scene that says the truth will set you free. Liberty Ark is the blue pill, of course; and, the red pill is our corrupted government. Throughout the next two years, I paid over $4,000 and responded to every correspondent I recieved accordingly.

After 15 months into the program and over 35 certified responses, I recieved the first court subpeona. We responding through the court systems as directed by my advocate. Thereafter, I began having some difficulty contacting him or the copmany.

When my advocate finally contacted me, he said everything was going fine and assured these cases rarely go to court and if they do he would be there 100%. I recall about three conversations since the subpeona. I left several messages on his voice mail and faxed a "please contact me" note. I do not have is new numbers or email address for that matter. This month, I recieved an "appear in court notice". Yes, I am on my way to fincial freedom but without Liberty Ark, my team, leagl representation, or a real guaranty. As far as my credit goes, I am too embarassed to say.

Looking in retropect, no everything is not fine. I can pay more to a new advocate and this new company which takes to responsiblity for my outcome. The new company can not take responsibility for advocates that go astray, misleads the intent of the company, or does not preform. Nor does the company want to honor the program I was currently under. When my husband and I began this program, our credit was really good but had a high debt-to-income ratio.

Now, after one and a half years with Liberty Ark, we have the worst credit report, courts appearance are in the near future, no advocate, no Liberty Ark, and no good outcome. We did everything they asked. Where is our guarntee or our money back? Liberty Ark has changed their name to ALTERNATIVE DEBT SOLUTIONS and has even "changed the way we do business" but still offer the same "type" of services.

This is a buy beware!!!

Company: Liberty Ark DBA OSJ Jubilee Missions
Country: USA
State: Washington
City: Ritzville
Address: 105 South Washington
Phone: 5096590904
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