M&T Bank Corp
M&T Banks Misconduct lost us our home

Business & Finance

Our story is very long and we have been trying to get them to clean up their mess for over 3 yrs 'their misconduct includes: altering our commitment letter and falsely representing it to us,
grossly over appraising our home, then sending someone to trespass to try to back it up, strong arming us after the closing to make us change the title. We have posted the whole store on our webpage

Http://mymandtbankstory. Weebly.com

Company: M&T Bank Corp
Country: USA
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Greenpoint Mortgage Funding Inc
Ripoff lending company uses closing agent who practices bank fraud, falsified closing docs, gave me a bad title, then sued me representing another client who he claimed was the "rightful" owner of the property


Wrongful Termination-Falsely acused of something that I did not do and terminated because of it. I worked for Wal-Mart for 7 years

Ameriquest / AMC / CITI Lending / DEUTSCHE Bank National Trust
Ameriquest omitted Forclosure clause, in Superior Court for over 2 yrs... Stop the madness. Help pls. Santa Ana

Ameriquest - AMC - CITI Residential - Deutsche Bank
Ameriquest omitted Forclosure clause in 20,000 clients in Superior court 2yrs returned payments. Help Santa Ana California

American Express
Bad Application Policy - Ignorant Employees

Card Processing Center
Rip off strong arming the consumers

TCRM Commercial
Brookside Mortgage ripoff

Haffar and Associates
Haffar and Associates loan mod - California, San Diego

True Vacation Services
Probable timeshare selling scam