National Health - Customer Service Center
National Health "Customer Service Center" ripoff fraud deception theft

Business & Finance

I thought I would help my friend with a problem he had with a company, National Health. I am convinced that this company is a fraud!

Through my "investigation, " the "customer service" number (888-240-4388) is answered by the same male, but he ingeniously gives a different name. He tells me the name of his company is Customer Service Center, who is contracted by other companys to provide various customer services. From what I have gathered, National Health is the only company involved with this "Customer Service Center" company (if you will call it a company). He explains to me that National Health does not have a telephone number (that he will give me, anyways) because his company answers all the telphone calls for National Health. He also explained that his company, Customer Service Center, and National Health share the same mailing address.

When I inquired about to whose attention I should mail my inquiry to, he stated, "Write management on the envelope and the first manager will review it." Also, the web address,, provided me with a lot of information, though. It does exist, but it is for sale!

The three times my friend and I telephoned, we both received the same "agent." He was unable to answer of our questions, with the exception of the mailing address and a quick blurt out of the web site, which he was very reluctant about spelling out for me. Furthermore, when I made my first inquiry, he was very reluctant about providing the name of his business! He tried using some "pushy" telephone tactics, but... Come on, buddy! Stare me down with. 50-caliber Barrett machine gun and, then, I will give more thought to shaking in my boots!

My conclusion is to inform/alert everyone regarding "National Health" and "Customer Service Center." Perhaps most, if not all, who were skammed will not have their monies returned. However, it only takes once to learn! And, tell everyone!

Is it not a federal offense to defraud someone through the mail? If they had mailed you a bill, is it not a federal offense? Oh boy, they sure are sneaky about getting you to send them your money!

Company: National Health - Customer Service Center
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Las Vegas
Address: 3375 Shadow Bluff Ave
Phone: 8882404388
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