CCA Credit Service Division
Ripoff scam artists

Business & Finance

This company is full of sh@! They promise to give you a bank card to get cash and that never comes to you in the mail. Also, they tell you that they help improve your credit scores by reporting to the "3" major credit agencies however I have had this card since August of 04 and nothing has shown up on the 3 major credit agencies (Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion) that create your FICO score. All they do is take your $199.00 Start up fee and then screw you in the back end. DO NOT fall for this scam. It is total crap. This company sucks and should be shut down.

Company: CCA Credit Service Division
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Las Vegas
Phone: 8006421760
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Fraud and scam!

Com, Transunion, FAKO Not FICO Scores, And Very Misleading. They provide you "scores" from all 3 credit agencies, but not really, they guesstimate!

TransUnion Consumer Scores Are Not Actual FICO Scores when you buy trucredit's service they don't provide your actual scores, they provide a guesstimate

Trans Union - Experian
Charging consumers for inaccurate credit scores

Equifax - FreeCreditReport
Experian, MyFico, Freecreditreport, freescore, transunion, creditscore Credit Scores - Fraud - Not What The Banks Use is a product of TransUnion Interactive, Inc. Copyright 2011 TransUnion Interactive Company is a scam! You do not get your Fico score! You get a Vantage score which does you nothing

Experiaqn - Equifax - TransUnion Credit Services
Experian - Equifax - TransUnion Credit Services ripoff It HURTS US ALL! Incorect Credit reporting

Transunion Credit LLC Possible Fraud - Violation of the FIOA

MY Fico, Experiene, Transunion

Equifax is under reporting credit limits