Zeus Mortgage
Bait and Switch

Business & Finance

Customer Beware - Trap & Change may be the Title of the Overall Game at Zeus

For me, the sharp company methods of the bank are nothing lacking amazing. Don't be amazed when they guarantee one rate of interest and source points, after which in the last second develop some worthless justification in initiatives to justify why they have to currently cost an rate of interest and CRAZY points. Nothing lacking unfettered greed may be the determination due to their fake guarantees, and waste of the customeris money and time. THEY DON'T CARE IF YOU LOOSE THE HOME YOU'RE TRYING TO PURCHASE! Actually, should you cannot purchase it (because of the lure & change & setbacks)... Possibly among their traders may/may.

Company: Zeus Mortgage
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Houston
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Saxon Mortgage
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Zeus Mortgage

Ameriquest Mortgage
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Household Finance, Beneficial
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Loan modfication/principal balance reduction
High interest rate & past due interest added that was suppose to be included in principal balance reduction

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