Centruion Financial Service
Centruion Finance Service ripoff

Business & Finance

A man called me on nov. 3 and told me that i was approved for a credit card for 2000.00 and there was a onr time fee of 249.00 and it would be taking out of my checking account on nov. 13 and i would receive my credit card in 25 days. I called the number back that they gave me and it was always busy or it would say that we are open mon-fri from 9am-5pm and when i finally did get some one on the phone the man i wanted to speak to did not work there and the lady would not tell me any info all she did was hang up on me evertime i call so i knew that it was something funny then and i did some research and they were a fraud and they took my 249.00 and it needs to be a stop put to them

Company: Centruion Financial Service
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Phone: 8667840260
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