Direct Cards

Business & Finance

I am a 18 year old female, has no job, no licen and live in da middle of nowhere. I got the yellow letter. No #, no web address, no nothing! Just this consumer complaints

Company: Direct Cards
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Miami
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Direct Cards
I also received the famous yellow letter from direct cards i'm so glad i searched the internet thank you for this web site

Direct Cards
Don't fall for the Yellow letter in the mail it's a RIPOFF Work at Home Scam

Direct Cards Inc
Direct Cards ripoff I was sent a letter of solicitation that was very misleading and it's claims of easy money seemed too good to be true

Direct Cards
Nothing because of consumer complaints thank you

Direct Cards
Beware of Direct Cards Ripoff It's a SCAM Work at Home Scams

Direct Cards
Ripoff thank to others we did'nt fall for it

Direct Cards
Work at home ripoff, Processing Mail At Home, Sounds to good to be true because it is

Direct Cards
Ripoff Their letter states, envelopes are procured by no-cost ads, will be sent with address and postage, reimbured for mailing costs. Thanks complaint

Direct Cards
Work at home envelope stuffing ripoff Total Scam

Direct Cards
They tried to rip me off Rip-off Work at home scams