Ripoff the company lead me to belive they would send me a GOLD credit card for a fee of $37.00 I sent in the fee however never received anything at all no card no refund nothing at all Dallas Texas

Business & Finance

My name is B. J, after waiting for over 90 days to receive my visa, master card. I decided to check the internet inorder to find out the status of my info.

Well I am at my friend house telling her about this company that has given my a chance to get a credit card with a limit of $10,000 dollars. At this point Iam very happy about this, however since she has a computer I decided to check the site and to my suprise its all just a BIG SCAM.

I do hope that someone will please do something about this Its just not right to me or anyone else, Ist just not the Amercian thing to do. I unemployed and now staying with a friend Iam trying to find Employment however Its very IF I only had my two payments of $37.00 dollars it just mite make a differants in my Employment.

Aurora, Colorado

Company: Credicorp
Country: USA
Phone: 7202823365
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Credicorp Inc
Misleading Credit Card Offe

Credicorp ripoff

Credicorp, Inc
Credicorp Inc ripoff fraudulent business

Credicorp INC
Ripoff! Fraudulent business, dirty rip-off liars

Creditcorp ripoff

Ripoff bogus credit provider

Credicorp inc., robert j. armstrong
Credicorp, robert j. Armstrong rip-off consumer fraud



Credicorp, Inc
They ripped me off, they offered a master card for 29.95 and what I got was their catalog card so I can only purchase from them