Sharp Right Beauty Supply
Anti-Semitism in Brooklyn

Beauty & Appearance

After Purchasing some beauty supply reached out to question about one more item over the counter when suddenly was confronted by the owner who acted rudely and very aggressive. He made very disturbing bias remarks towards me and my friend such as “we don’t like people like you, my wife doesn’t want to work here anymore because she does not want to deal with Israelis. One out on ten customers steals, you are all rude and arrogant and please get out of my store, and we don’t need Israelis at my place”. He was shouting and waving with his hands. We were shocked in view of this anti Semite striking especially when we didn’t do any wrong! Also, the saleswoman who works in this store and two others Russian customers, ganged together against us. I wonder how a Russian business owner, who apparently hates Israelis so much, who runs a small business in the heart of Brooklyn with a huge Israelis Jewish population, allows himself such as anti-Semitic behavio

Company: Sharp Right Beauty Supply
Country: USA
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Sharp Right Beauty Supply
Anti-Semitism in Brooklyn

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