Natural Source Store
Charged twice for sample

Beauty & Appearance

I received an email from a website called which advertises weekly savings from a variety of companies.

They claimed that a combination of two different special trials on teeth whitening products from two different companies worked much better than any over the counter products. One cost $1.99 and the other from Natural Source Store (Lyderma) was $6.99. Today (5/3/10), I received an email saying that they were going to charge me $78.95. It turns out that in the papers folded up around the product, which I never opened, there was a statement which said if I didn't want to to be charged for what they called the 30 day supply they sent, I had to cancel within 10 days of receipt of the product. I assumed from the promotion that this was a trial size and that the $9.95 was to pay for that. To make matters worse, this morning when I called them, I was put in a no-win situation: Either I pay the $78.95 and continue receiving the product, or pay $69.95 to quit. That seems like a real con game. Should I have to pay to quit any product? They claim that it was for the so-called 30 day supply that I had been sent back in effect it was paying twice for the same thing.

Company: Natural Source Store
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Davie
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